
Key Features
Located in Miramar, FL
489 single-family homes on 163 acres
Cost: $80 Million
Our role: Co-Developer, Joint Venture
Project Details
Trilogy is a 163-acre, 489-unit single-family residential community. Trilogy was a fast-paced project which was completed in less than two years in order to keep pace with sales.
The project included extensive site clearing and earthwork operation consisting of over 6 million cubic yards of material. At the time, the City of Miramar did not have water and sewer facilities to serve this development. Interagency agreements were negotiated to construct a water main interconnect to the City of Pembroke Pines water distribution system and over 5 miles of off-site water main extensions to deliver potable water to the site. Additionally, on-site facilities were constructed to accommodate a future City of Miramar raw water wellfield and adjacent water treatment plant.
Before the start of development, the property was concluded to contain wetlands. Although the majority of the 50 acres of wetlands mitigation occurred on-site, a 20-acre off-site mitigation project was included in the environmental approvals required by the US Army Corps of Engineers, the South Florida Water Management District, and the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection.